Freitag, 1. September 2023


COSA23.243 --- Amerikanische Men's Adventure Magazine

Man könnte die amerikanischen Men's Adventure Magazine der 1950er und 1960er Jahre als legitime Nachfolger der Pulps betrachten, sie verzichteten allerdings weitgehend auf fiktionale Romane, Serials oder Erzählungen und konzentrierten sich darauf angeblich wahre Geschichten zu bringen (deren Realitätsgehalt oft aber gegen Null tendierte). Begleitet wurden diese 'true stories' von oft guten Illustrationen und die Magazine selbst punkteten vor allem mit ihren zumeist sehr phantasievollen herausragenden Titelillustrationen von den besten amerikanischen Illustratoren der damaligen Zeit. PoMeWe zeigt ein Konvolut (und übernimmt ungeprüft die dazugehörigen Angebotstexte), welches vor kurzem bei einem bekannten Internetauktionshaus angeboten wurde.

These magazines are full of stunning artwork illustrations, crazy stories about crime, mafia, hunting, women, dreams, gangs and more!

1. Man's Illustrated December 1958
This issue is in very good condition and has a fantastic cover featuring a the Love-Cabin Girls of Alaska!

2. Adventure Life January 1959
This issue is in fair condition and has a thrilling cover showing the Blonde Gang Moll of Africa's Jungle Bandits!

3. Real January 1954
This issue is in good condition and has a sensational cover depicting a man in "Terror on Safari" !

4. Fury September 1956
This issue is in fair condition and has an explosive cover showing the Attack of the Reindeer!

5. Impact September 1953
This issue is in fair condition and has a stunning cover revealing a Deep-Sea Diver!

6. For Men Only November 1956
This issue is in very fair+ condition and has a spicy cover displaying a the "Vengeance of Black Hawk Indian"!

7. Cavalier February 1958
This issue is in very good+ condition and has a classy cover portraying men on a Snow Expedition!

8. True Detective February 1959
This issue is in very good... condition but has black crayon marks on the cover. It has a gripping cover illustrating a man & Woman being chased by the police!

9. Stag October 1953
This issue is in good condition and has a cover showing an Soldier using binoculars!

10. Safari June 1957
This issue has a bright cover and is in good condition. It has a wild cover featuring the Super Demon of Tibet!

11. Saga December 1959
This issue is in very good+ condition (has purple ink on the magazine edges) and has an awesome cover depicting Civil War Soldiers ready to fight! Robert Kennedy vs. Jimmy Hoffa

12. Hunting Adventures Spring 1957
This issue is in fine/very fine condition and has an impressive cover showing men hunting Lions!

13. Male April 1957
This issue is in good condition and has an exciting cover showing a soldier & soldiers battling!

14. Man's World April 1958
This issue is in good condition and has an incredible cover showing Gunfight at Bar River! Yuma, Arizona

These magazines are really wonderful to read the sensational stories and the tremendous illustrations and photo's....
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