Dienstag, 4. Juli 2023


COSA23.184 --- The Paperback Fanatic

... unter diesem Titel hat Justin Marriott inzwischen 46 Ausgaben eines Fanzines (Magazins) herausgegeben, in dem zahlreiche populärwissenschaftliche Beiträge zum weiten Feld (zumeist) englischsprachiger Taschenbücher sowie zahllose Coverabbildungen veröffentlicht wurden. Inzwischen erscheint The Paperback Fanatic im Din A4-Format und voll in Farbe mit einem professionellen Layout; leider das Format des Magazins seit 2017 mehrfach gewechselt.
Ich finde es immer wieder toll, eine neue Ausgabe in die Hand nehmen zu können, zu blättern und mich an der einen oder andere Stelle festzulesen. 
Es gibt etliche weitere von Justin Marriott veröffentlichte Magazine zu Themen der populären Unterhaltungsmedien.
Heute zeige ich die Titel der letzten zehn erschienenen Ausgaben (37-46) jeweils mit kurzen Notizen (Werbetexten) zum Inhalt der Hefte. 

3784 pages full colour with nearly 200 reproductions of vintage paperbacks. Includes a massive visual guide to UK publisher Digit Books including rare J.D., SF, sleaze and horror titles. And a guide to the wild world of French paperback illustrations, including Robert E Howard and Clark Ashton Smith.
38The fanzine for collectors of vintage paperbacks. 100 pages, full colour throughout with 100s of cover reproductions. Features on crime, horror, SF and sleaze paperbacks. Includes interviews with Straw Dogs author Gordon Williams and horror author Nick Sharman. Features on the Sea Wolves pirate series, Australian detective Larry Kent, horror author Harry Adam Knight, SF writer Algis Budrys.
39The fanzine for readers and collectors of vintage paperbacks. 100 pages, full colour. Includes letters, articles on vintage Australian sleaze paperbacks, paperback cover model Steve Holland, an overview of the Frankenstein Horror Series, SF author Keith Laumer, the paperback collections of Gahan Wilson, Ed Gorey and Charles Addams.
40The fanzine for readers and collectors of vintage paperbacks. 64 pages, full colour throughout. Articles on horror author Richard Laymon, sleaze books set in Australia's King's Cross, SF and horror paperbacks in 1965, Fritz Leiber's Conjure Wife, TV tie-in paperbacks and Italian thriller series Segretissimo.
4164 pages, full colour throughout with many rare paperback covers reproduced. Articles and features include-Crom's Tomes - 50 Years of Conan in PaperbackThe Plantation Pulps of New English LibrarySegretissimo - more classic espionage and thriller paperbacksBrian Hayles - Dr Who and Doom Watch script-writerRaymond Kursar - an interview with the legendary artistAustralian Movie Tie-InsAnd more!
4270 pages, all in full-colour. Articles, features and interviews on collecting vintage paperbacks.Including-The original cover art for notorious horror paperback Eat Them Alive!Rare correspondence from Dennis Wheatley!Report from Windy City and LA Book Fairs!Interviews with the authors of Sticking it to the Man, Light into Ink, Eric Stanton and the Bizarre Underground, and the publisher of pulp 2.0 Press!Forgotten SF authors from the 1960s and 70s!
43GOLD MEDAL SPECIAL! 88 full-colour pages devoted to articles on the legendary publisher and its key authors. Pieces on classic noir authors Gil Brewer, John D MacDonald, Dan J Marlowe, Charles Williams. With a stunning visual gallery of the paperback art of Robert McGinnis and rare illustrations from Men's Adventure Magazines for Gil Brewer stories. Plus in-depth reviews of Gold Medal classics such as Black Wings Has My Angel. 125 colour illustrations of rare Gold Medal paperbacks and associated books and magazines.

44The fanzine devoted to vintage paperbacks. Lockdown special! Articles on disaster paperbacks, virus paperbacks, convicts turned author and reviews of rare titles. 64 pages, full colour throughout.
45A Visual Guide to Belmont and Tower paperbacks of the 1960s.
300+ covers of vintage 1960s paperbacks reproduced in colour, with information about the author, cover artist and subject matter.
Sleaze, horror, thriller, occult, sexy spies and more.
Books by Harlan Ellison, Bob Tralins, Gardner Fox, Peter McCurtin and more.
Covers by Robert Maguire, Edward Gorey, Catherine Jeffrey Jones and more.
46Issue 46 of the fanzine devoted to vintage paperbacks. 72 full colour pages, with 26 articles and pieces on all aspects of vintage paperbacks. Pieces include - running a used bookstore, latest prices realised at auction, selling paperbacks on eBay, swamp sleaze, men's adventure meets horror, SF author Brian Aldiss, reader's most prized paperbacks, Conan pastiches, shudder pulps, movie tie-ins, paperback news and much more.

Bei COSA##.### stellen wir einzelne Medien vor. Die Auswahl folgt einem Zufallsprinzip. Gerne sind Gastbeiträge möglich.

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